Saturday, June 9, 2007

Tinnitus anyone?

Hey All,
Went for my one week mapping on Thursday, added a new program channel and some volume changes on the other ones, a few different settings here and there. Nothing much different.
One thing of change for me has been a huge amount of tinnitus. It started about four days ago, in the middle of the day, a loud sound started in my head, like a fish tank motor running, that best describes it for me, or a plane in the sky, humming from the engine sound, from what I remember as far as sound similar to this one. The sound also starts off low and gets louder, lasts for about and hour, then goes away. Anyway, I thought something was wrong with my processor, but when I took it off, I could still here the sound, then I thought something was wrong inside my head. I emailed the hospital and they said it's probably tinnitus. It made my own voice very loud to myself and all the other voices loud, too loud. Made it harder for me to understand things, made things sound muffled. I get them everyday, 3-4 times. Very annoying! They said it might last for months, but should go away. Has anyone had this? Just wondering, and how long.
But everything else is about the same, going good. Been talking on the phone more and more, not understanding everything, but lot's :)
That's about it for now.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend, rainy here in Seattle.
Take care,


IvanC said...

That's probably the auditory nerve settling down. I had those too, but they've subsided.. comes in rushes, deep, loud buzzing, then goes away. Don't worry it will pass.

Sam said...

I, too, have tinnitus. Some days are better than others especially if I am exposed to a lot of sound for a long period of time. The interesting thing is its in my left ear (opposite my implanted ear). I find that if I lower the volume for a while, it will subside. However, since I am so used to it, I just simply blank it out. I am hoping that when I go bilateral, the balance will make it even more tolerable.

Yana said...

Sounds like your brain is getting used to the changes. :)

Laurie said...

Yes, the tinnitus is normal. Your auditory nerve and brain are learning to process the new level of sound it is receiving and is rebelling!

It does get better. My tinnitus gets worse when I'm tired, sick, or stressed. Hang in there . . .you are doing well!

Yana said...

Have you tried to listen to music yet? How is it?

Yana said...

I am really happy you can listen to music! :)I know Ivan had a theory which kinds of music are best for implantees to comprehend... Apparently ACDC is in there too :)

Yana said...

So-o-o... What about an update?